
The place where I am most active! I post my finished work here as well as announce new products that I’m planning. This is also the place where you’re the first to know when I’m at a convention or if I’m up to something new (and also the place where I’m quickest to reply to messages!) Follow me on Instagram if you’re a fan of my art in general!


I’m such an old biddy when it comes to tiktok, but I’m trying my best!! This is the place I post WIPs, speedpaints of my finished pieces, little animatics of my original characters and general small/silly stuff. It’s also where I post packing videos for orders and commissions, so if you order from me, please let me know if you’d like it to be filmed! Follow me here if you’d like to see stuff that’s a little more everyday!


Youtube is the place where I’m currently least active, but I’m really trying to get back into it! This is the place for longer videos about my thought processes as I carry out a project, and retrospectives as I look back through working on it. It has a lot of unfinished ideas but I’d like it to be a place where I can do “Studio Vlog” type content and maybe show you in more depth how I create something. Follow me here if you cheer on the underdog and believe in your heart that I can manage a semi-regular posting schedule!


My Etsy store is an easy way to find me and my original work! I don’t feel comfortable selling any of my fanart on there, so Etsy is a place for my older original work to shine. While I have my smaller merch there like stickers and prints, I also sell my one of a kind artwork there, including watercolour and ink pieces!